Underground Rap Music Community

Gentry Fox

Rock Springs, Wyoming

Music Artist
  1. Gentry Fox (born August 15th, 1991) is an American underground rapper/hip-hop recording artist, record producer/DJ, actor/director, graphic/art/web designer, label executive, and visionary entepruner from the small town of Rock Springs in southwest Wyoming.

    President/CEO & Founder of Wyoming/Utah hip-hop recording label and artistic collective SUB|ROK RECORDS (www.subrokrecords.com), Fox is also an official representative and ambassador of the Hip-Hop Roots SLC chapter, a worldwide independent music & art syndicate celebrating the elements of hip-hop culture. Additionally, he is a part time graphic designer for Revolution MFG (www.rideharder.com), the Vice President of Marketing/Development/Design for independent clothing collective Snub Apparel (www.snubapparel.com), and the founding member, producer, and unofficial frontman of the midwest hip-hop outfit Rhyme Squad (www.rhymesquad.com). Basically Fox has just been killing shit since the year 12,002BC.

    Upon relocating his residence from Wyoming to Salt Lake City, Utah in 2011, Fox has since then built a reputable relationship among his fellow peers and hip-hop influences alike, following in the footsteps of local SLC legends like Pat Maine, Burnell Washburn, YZE, MC PigPen, Dumb Luck, & more. Linguistically demolishing only the most popular of bars, venues, and events among the mountain midwest and nation alike, Fox delivers incredibly passionate, intelligent and vigorously hard hitting lyricism over visceral and elemental boom bap sample based production. His unique style is nostalgic of a concious and poetic small-town storyteller fused with an almost aggressive street mentality similiar to that the early 90's gangster rap era. He has shared the stage among some of the most influential names in hip-hop including One Be Lo (of Binary Star), Casual (Hieroglyphics) Toki Wright (Rhymesayers), and many more. He is currently scheduled as a Class 4 threat to mothers and record executives everywhere.

    For personal/artist related inquires, please contact gentryfox@subrokrecords.com. For booking releated inquires, please contact booking@subrokrecords.com.
    Posted Oct 19, 2014
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